German Children’s Film Association

Förderverein Deutscher Kinderfilm e.V. (FDK) German Children’s Film Association is an independent non-profit association founded in 1978, which represents the lobby of children’s media, organizes qualification workshops and networking events for professionals.

Our two main programmes for qualifying business professionals and promoting high-quality content for young audiences are:

Akademie für Kindermedien (AKM) Academy for Children’s Media
A development programme for the areas BOOK, STORY WORLD, FILM and SERIES. Stories and Worlds for children (6 – 12) or teenagers (13 – 19) can be developed. The AKM takes place annually over a period of eight to nine months.

Der besondere Kinderfilm (BKF) Outstanding Films for Children
A funding model for feature length films (live-action, animation and documentary), which are not based on a brand or bestselling novel, but offer original and valuable stories for children from 6 to 12+ years set in the here and now.

Furthermore, we represent the young audience’s interests in political discussions such as the amendment of the Federal Film Subsidies Act.

We are a member of ECFA – European Children’s Films Association and work with partners through all areas of social and political interest, creative economy and education.

Förderverein Deutscher Kinderfilm e.V.
Juri-Gagarin-Ring 29
99084 Erfurt, Germany
Fon: +49 361 66386-21

Hanna Reifgerst
Office Manager